A word puzzle that improves your vocabulary and helps to keep your cerebral fitness intact.

How to play

The game starts with a simple 4-letter word and 3 hearts. Only first letter is revealed and the meaning of the word is displayed in the bottom hint. Each level is limited by time. The higher level you are at, the more time you get.

  • Click any square to open the next letter.
  • If it contains the next letter it remains open, continue to search for next letter.
  • If the letter on the square you open is wrong it will close, try to remember it before it closes. Click another letter.
  • If you click the square that you already clicked before and it contains the wrong letter – you lose 1 heart.
  • If you are out of time, you will be thrown 1 level behind and can restart that level with another word.
  • If you lose all hearts you can get more by watching an Ad, the higher level you are at, the more hearts you gain as a reward.
  • You win the level when you open all letters and gain 1 heart if you made no mistakes.

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